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Love Through the Shadows

Ever wonder where hate comes from? From small slights or from deeply held beliefs? And what happens when hate runs headlong into the strongest emotion there is…love?

It’s 2018 and the United States is being pulled apart at the seams. From big cities to small towns, people are acting on what divides them, rather than what unites them. Tolerance and inclusion are being replaced by insidious attacks on those deemed to be different, unworthy or sinners. This fictional tale explores love and hate, the influence of national politics, and the power of a community coming together for the common good.

Fieldston, a sleepy town in eastern Pennsylvania, is gearing up to host a women’s music festival when a rash of petty crime and vandalism strike. When young women begin to disappear, something has to be done to keep locals and visitors safe. D’Shea Sinclair and her friends from the festival set out to unravel the mystery, discovering that there is more to Fieldston than a surface glance reveals. As the group uncovers and works to foil a dangerous plan, Sinclair finds herself presented with a second chance at love. If only she is brave enough to take the first step.

From the readers --

I wanted to keep reading to find out what would happen next. Can't wait for the next book!   -T. Snider

Just finished the book...actually started it this morning and could not put it down.  -S. Green